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Is alimony a thing of the past? Not really, for many divorcees

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2021 | Divorce

If you are getting a divorce, then one of the issues you’ll need to deal with first is your finances. If you have a job that supports you well, you may not need to turn to spousal support, but in some cases, it’s beneficial to the lesser-earning spouse. If you supported your spouse through school or provided for your children at home instead of building your career, then spousal support may be a good way to get the financial support you need as you build up your career prospects or get control of your finances as a single person.

Alimony, also called spousal support, is sometimes looked at negatively. The person who has to pay may see it as a kind of punishment to have to support someone they’re no longer with. The reality is that this support isn’t usually granted because of adultery or because one spouse wasn’t treated well. Instead, it’s there to help them raise their income to a point where they can live comfortably or have extra support while building up their own financial supports.

Who gets spousal support?

Any lesser-earning spouse has the potential to receive spousal support. For instance, a stay-at-home parent may need alimony support while they reenter the workforce or return to school.

Someone who is already working but who earns significantly less than their spouse may also want this support. For example, someone who earns $50,000 may need support to live in the same community or with the same lifestyle when their income is compared to their spouse’s income of $300,000 annually.

Not everyone asks for or receives spousal support, but if your budget is extremely tight or you need financial support to move forward, then it’s something that you may want to look into. You may receive it only temporarily in some cases, but in others, it may be granted permanently.

Knowing your legal rights during your divorce will give you an opportunity to explore the possibility of spousal support. If you believe you’re in a position to seek it, then you can do so during your divorce negotiations with your spouse.

