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Tips for summer co-parenting

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2024 | Family Law

The summer is a chance for children to relax after a hard school year. For co-parents, this is a time when they need to figure out how to adjust things to make them work for the children.

Summer can challenge co-parents, partially because they may need childcare and must figure out how to handle vacations. When co-parents can work as a team, they can make this time enjoyable for everyone.

Remain flexible

Summer is an ideal time for co-parents to embrace flexibility in their parenting schedules. While maintaining a consistent routine is important for children, summer offers unique opportunities for travel, camps and other activities that might not fit into the standard school-year schedule. Open communication and a willingness to compromise are key. To keep track of changes and commitments, it may be beneficial to use shared digital calendars.

Prioritizing open communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful co-parenting. Co-parents should strive to communicate openly and respectfully about plans, expectations and any changes that might arise. This includes discussing travel plans well in advance, coordinating enrollment in summer camps or activities, and informing each other about any day-to-day changes that might affect the children.

Focusing on the children’s needs

Co-parents can make co-parenting easier by keeping the focus on their children’s needs and interests. This means actively listening to children’s wishes for the summer and finding ways to support their hobbies, interests and friendships. Whether it’s facilitating attendance at a desired camp, planning visits with extended family or simply ensuring downtime is available for relaxation and play, decisions should be made with the children’s happiness and well-being as the priority.

Creating new traditions

Summer offers a perfect opportunity for co-parents to create new traditions with their children. These can be simple activities or elaborate outings, but the goal is to build positive memories and reinforce the bond between parent and child. Sharing these plans and experiences with the other parent can also help maintain a sense of inclusivity and mutual respect for each other’s roles in the children’s lives.

It’s best if the basic guidelines for summer are included in a family’s parenting plan. This will help to clarify the information that everyone in the family will need for a successful summer.

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